Header 01

Header 01

Header 01


Step 1: Editing Navigation Links

Locate the section for navigation links:

Desktop Links

Here’s the section for desktop navigation links:

<div className="ml-auto hidden lg:flex lg:items-center">
  <Link href="/components">Components</Link>
  <Link className="ml-8" href="/templates">
  <Link className="ml-8" href="/templates/catalyst">
    UI Kit
  <Link className="ml-8" href="/documentation">
  • Edit Links: Update the href and link text.

  • Add More Links: Add more <Link> components as needed.


<Link className="ml-8" href="/pricing">
<Link className="ml-8" href="/blog">

Mobile Menu Links

Update the links in the mobile menu:

<div className="flex flex-col space-y-4 text-lg font-semibold">
  <Link href="/components" onClick={toggleMobileMenu}>
  <Link href="/templates" onClick={toggleMobileMenu}>
  <Link href="/documentation" onClick={toggleMobileMenu}>
  • Ensure mobile links match the desktop links.

  • Add or remove links as needed.

Step 2: Customizing the Announcement Bar

The announcement bar is an optional feature to promote updates or new features.

  className="group -my-2 ml-6 hidden items-center gap-2 rounded-full bg-white/25 px-3 py-2 text-xs text-slate-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-black/[0.08] hover:bg-white/50 hover:ring-black/[0.13] sm:flex md:ml-8 lg:hidden min-[1300px]:flex"
  <svg className="h-4 w-4 fill-purple-500" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
      d="M9 4.5a.75.75 0 01.721.544l.813 2.846..."
  <span className="font-semibold">Introducing Espion</span>
  <span className="font-medium">
    <span>Our latest theme</span>

How to Update:

  1. Change the link: Update the href to point to your feature or announcement page.

  2. Update text: Edit the text for the promotion.


<span className="font-semibold">Special Offer</span>
<span className="font-medium">Get 20% off all templates</span>

Step 3: Editing Buttons

There are two main buttons:

  1. Sign-in Button (ButtonSignin component).

  2. Get All-Access Button.

Update the Get All-Access Button

Locate the button:

  className="inline-flex justify-center rounded-full text-sm font-semibold py-2.5 px-4 bg-slate-900 text-white hover:bg-slate-700 -my-2.5 ml-8"
  Get all-access <span aria-hidden="true"></span>
  • Change link: Update href to your target page.

  • Change text: Replace "Get all-access" with your desired text.

Step 4: Customizing the Mobile Menu

Open/Close Logic

The mobile menu opens and closes using this function:

const toggleMobileMenu = () => {
  • No changes are required here unless you want advanced logic.

Mobile Menu Animation

The menu uses Framer Motion for animations:

  initial={{ opacity: 0, y: -10 }}
  animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }}
  exit={{ opacity: 0, y: -10 }}
  className="fixed inset-0 z-40 bg-white py-[2.125rem] lg:hidden..."
  {/* Menu Content */}
  • Adjust opacity or y values for different animation styles.

  • Modify the duration for faster or slower animations.

Step 5: Updating the Logo

The logo is handled by the Logo component:

<Logo logoType="image" logoSrc="/UI Now Mark.svg" text="UI Now" showTextWithImage />
  • Update the logoSrc: Replace /UI Now Mark.svg with your logo file path.

  • Hide Text: Set showTextWithImage to false if you only want the logo image.


<Logo logoType="image" logoSrc="/your-logo.svg" text="My App" showTextWithImage={false} />

Step 6: Styling the Navigation

Tailwind Classes

The component uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Key areas to adjust:

  • Background Color:

<header className="bg-white">
  • Text Colors: Update text-slate-900 to other colors like text-gray-800 or text-neutral-700.

  • Spacing: Change padding values like py-[2.125rem] or px-4.