Hero Section 03

Hero Section 03

Hero Section 03

This tutorial will help you edit the HeroComponentThree component for your project. You'll learn how to:

  1. Change text content (heading, overline, body text, and buttons).

  2. Update button links and styles.

  3. Replace the background image with your own.

  4. Understand best practices for accessibility and responsive design.


Step 1: Editing Text Content

Locate the text elements in the component:

Overline Text

tsxCopy code<Overline className="text-white sm:text-inherit">Overline text</Overline>
  • Edit: Replace "Overline text" with a short introductory phrase or tagline.

Example Update:

tsxCopy code<Overline className="text-white sm:text-inherit">Innovate Your Future</Overline>

Main Heading

tsxCopy code<Display as="h1" className="mt-4 text-5xl sm:text-6xl md:text-7xl font-extrabold leading-tight">
  Saepe officia aliquid inventore tempore
  • Edit: Replace the placeholder text with your main headline.

Example Update:

tsxCopy code<Display as="h1" className="mt-4 text-5xl sm:text-6xl md:text-7xl font-extrabold leading-tight">
  Revolutionize Your Workflow Today

Body Text

tsxCopy code<Body1 className="text-lg sm:text-xl mt-6 max-w-2xl mx-auto sm:mx-0">
  Laudantium quibusdam dolorum libero facere iure, quis molestias dolore quod inventore expedita?
  • Edit: Replace the placeholder text with a concise description or callout.

Example Update:

tsxCopy code<Body1 className="text-lg sm:text-xl mt-6 max-w-2xl mx-auto sm:mx-0">
  Empower your team with tools designed to optimize productivity and streamline collaboration.

Step 2: Updating Buttons

Primary Button

tsxCopy code<Button variant="solid" color="neutral" href="#">
  Explore Now
  • Edit Text: Change Explore Now to your desired call-to-action.

  • Edit Link: Replace "#" with the URL the button should navigate to.

Example Update:

tsxCopy code<Button variant="solid" color="neutral" href="/features">
  Get Started

Secondary Button

tsxCopy code<Button variant="outline" color="neutral" href="#" className="hidden sm:flex">
  Learn More
  • Edit Text: Change Learn More to reflect its purpose.

  • Edit Link: Replace "#" with the appropriate URL.

Example Update:

tsxCopy code<Button variant="outline" color="neutral" href="/pricing" className="hidden sm:flex">
  View Plans
  • For mobile: Edit the version styled for smaller screens:

tsxCopy code<Button variant="outline" color="light" href="#" className="flex sm:hidden">
  Learn More

Step 3: Replacing the Background Image

Mobile Version Background

Locate this block of code:

tsxCopy code<Image
  alt="Hero Image"
  className="absolute inset-0 z-0 sm:hidden"
  • Replace the Image Path (src): Update "/images/Image-J.webp" with the path to your own image.

    • If your image is local, place it in the public/images/ folder (or another appropriate directory) and use the relative path (e.g., "/images/my-hero-image.jpg").

  • Update Alt Text (alt): Replace "Hero Image" with a descriptive phrase (e.g., "Team Collaborating").

Example Update:

tsxCopy code<Image
  alt="Team Collaborating"
  className="absolute inset-0 z-0 sm:hidden"

Desktop Version Background

Locate this block of code:

tsxCopy code<Image
  alt="Hero Image"
  • Follow the same steps as above to update the src and alt values.

Step 4: Adding a Gradient Overlay

You may want to customize the gradient overlay for the desktop view. Locate this code:

tsxCopy code<div className="sm:absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-black to-transparent z-0 "></div>
  • Edit Colors: Update the from-black to-transparent classes to use your desired gradient colors.

    • Example: bg-gradient-to-r from-gray-800 to-gray-200.

Step 5: Testing Your Changes

  1. Run Your Project: Use npm run dev (or yarn dev) to preview changes locally.

  2. Verify Responsiveness:

    • Check both desktop and mobile views.

    • Ensure the gradient overlay and buttons display correctly on all screen sizes.

  3. Accessibility Check:

    • Confirm the alt text is meaningful for all images.

    • Verify that buttons are navigable via keyboard (e.g., Tab key).

Best Practices

  1. Image Optimization:

    • Use compressed images (e.g., .webp format) for faster load times.

    • Test for both high-resolution and low-bandwidth scenarios.

  2. Consistent Styling:

    • Ensure colors and typography align with your app’s design system.

    • Test button hover and focus states.

  3. SEO and Accessibility:

    • Use descriptive alt text for all images.

    • Ensure headings (<h1>) are unique and descriptive.

By following this guide, you can customize the HeroComponentThree component to fit your branding and create a polished, responsive hero section.