Project Cards 01

Project Cards 01

Project Cards 01

The ProjectCards component is a dynamic and visually engaging grid of project cards. This guide will help you:

  1. Edit or add project items (titles, descriptions, images, and links).

  2. Customize animations (timing, easing, and delays).

  3. Adjust layout and styling (grid structure, spacing, and hover effects).

  4. Ensure accessibility and responsiveness.


Step 1: Editing the projects Array

Locate the projects Array

The projects array defines all the content for the cards displayed in the grid:

const projects = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Project 01",
    category: "UI UX Design",
    href: "#",
    description: "Quisque magna ligula, commodo vel odio at, pulvinar sodales quam...",
    imageSrc: "/images/Image-1.webp",
    imageAlt: "Project Image alt tag",

Edit Existing Items

  • name: Title displayed on the card.

  • category: Category label above the project name.

  • href: Link where the card directs users upon clicking.

  • description: Brief description of the project.

  • imageSrc: Path or URL to the project image.

  • imageAlt: Text describing the image for accessibility.

Example Update:

  id: 1,
  name: "UI Now Homepage",
  category: "Web Design",
  href: "/projects/ui-now-homepage",
  description: "A modern, responsive homepage for showcasing SaaS startup solutions.",
  imageSrc: "/images/ui-now-homepage.webp",
  imageAlt: "Screenshot of UI Now homepage design",

Add New Items

Add new objects to the projects array with unique id values.


  id: 4,
  name: "E-Commerce Dashboard",
  category: "Frontend Development",
  href: "/projects/ecommerce-dashboard",
  description: "A sleek and intuitive dashboard for managing e-commerce platforms.",
  imageSrc: "/images/ecommerce-dashboard.webp",
  imageAlt: "E-commerce dashboard design screenshot",

Remove Items

Delete any unwanted objects from the array.

Step 2: Customizing Animations

Title Animation

The title uses a fade-in animation:

const titleVariants = {
  hidden: { opacity: 0 },
  visible: {
    opacity: 1,
    transition: { duration: 1, ease: "easeInOut" },
  • Adjust Animation Duration:

  • Change Easing:

Card Animation

Cards use staggered fade-in effects with easing:

const cardVariants = {
  hidden: { opacity: 0 },
  visible: (index) => ({
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      delay: index * 0.5, // Staggered delay
      duration: 1.0,
      ease: [0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1], // Cubic-bezier easing
  • Change Stagger Delay: Modify delay: index * 0.5 for faster or slower stagger.

  • Adjust Duration: Increase or decrease duration for smoother or quicker animations.

  • Try Different Easing: Replace ease with a preset like "easeOut" or a custom cubic-bezier value.

Step 3: Adjusting Layout and Styling

Grid Layout

The grid layout is controlled with Tailwind classes:

<div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-4 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-x-6 sm:gap-y-10 lg:gap-x-8">
  • Number of Columns:

    • Single column: grid-cols-1

    • Two columns: md:grid-cols-2

    • Three columns: lg:grid-cols-3

  • Spacing Between Cards:

    • Horizontal spacing: sm:gap-x-6

    • Vertical spacing: sm:gap-y-10

Example Update:

<div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6 md:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-x-8 lg:gap-y-12">

Card Styling

The card styling includes hover effects and rounded corners:

  • Change Border Radius:

  • Modify Hover Effects:

group-hover:opacity-90 transition-transform duration-300

Step 4: Accessibility Enhancements

  1. Alt Text for Images

    • Ensure every imageAlt in the projects array is meaningful for screen readers and SEO.

  2. ARIA Roles and Labels

    • Add aria-label to links for better screen reader support:

<Link href={project.href} aria-label={`View details about ${}`}>

Step 5: Testing and Optimization

  1. Run Locally: Use npm run dev to preview changes.

  2. Responsive Testing: Verify the component looks great on all screen sizes.

  3. Performance Optimization:

    • Use .webp images for smaller file sizes.

    • Lazy-load images using the loading="lazy" attribute.

Example Updated Projects Array

const projects = [
    id: 1,
    name: "UI Now Landing Page",
    category: "Web Design",
    href: "/projects/ui-now-landing",
    description: "A modern, responsive landing page for UI Now.",
    imageSrc: "/images/ui-now-landing.webp",
    imageAlt: "UI Now landing page screenshot",
    id: 2,
    name: "E-Commerce Admin Panel",
    category: "Dashboard Design",
    href: "/projects/ecommerce-admin",
    description: "An intuitive admin panel for managing e-commerce platforms.",
    imageSrc: "/images/ecommerce-admin.webp",
    imageAlt: "E-commerce admin panel screenshot",